Thursday, November 05, 2009

'get carter' run over

You're looking at the most remarkable item in my record collection. It's the only piece of vinyl that took a flight at more than 80 kilometres an hour and a traffic accident and is still playable.
It's a copy of Jah Wobble's 'Get Carter' 10-inch that just recently was released by
Pressure Sounds. 'Two new heavyweight versions' says the label and they couldn't have said it better.
I bought the record along with Lee 'Scratch' Perry's 12-inch 'Excersising' (out on On-U Sound) and put both records in my messenger bag for the trip home on my motorcycle, although they didn't fit in of course. Guess what? The wind blew both records away...
When I discovered that, I rode the same way home again, to find 'Get Carter' just beside the freeway. The Lee Perry record was nowhere to be found in the dark. The vinyl hasn't suffered from the flight, neither did it suffer from the truck that has gone straight over it, judging by the huge tire marks on the sleeve (which I only noticed a couple of days later).
One sure thing: they didn't get Carter!